Surgical Orthodontics

Surgical Orthodontics provided by Dakota Orthodontics in Fargo, and Wahpeton, North Dakota.

Orthodontics and jaw surgery (also known as orthognathic surgery) are used in conjunction to correct severe cases of jaw bone abnormalities, restricted airways, facial imbalances and bite correction.  Dr. Walker utilizes 6Elements of Orofacial Harmony to complete a full diagnosis and treatment plan and will work with an oral surgeon to ensure you receive the highest level of care available. 

How do I know if I need jaw surgery?

It really depends on the severity of your case and the alignment of your jaw structure.  After a comprehensive diagnosis, Dr. Walker will explain if surgery will be a recommended part of your orthodontic treatment.  

How does jaw surgery work?

An oral surgeon will perform the surgical procedure, which occurs in the middle of your orthodontic treatment.  Jaw surgery is typically an outpatient procedure done at a hospital or surgery center.  Since it is a major procedure, it is a good idea to take some time away from work or school during the healing process.  After two weeks of rest, your orthodontic care will re-commence to “fine tune” your bite and put the finishing touches on your new smile.  Orthodontics and jaw surgery are big commitments; your comfort and understanding of the process is important to us.  So, if you think you may be a candidate or maybe just have some additional questions, feel free to reach out.  

What are the benefits of having jaw surgery?

For most patients, the most rewarding part of surgery is simultaneously improving both their bite, smile, and facial esthetics.  The benefits don’t stop there though, as many people don’t realize that one of the most important health benefits of orthognathic surgery is improving the airway.  Correcting jaw balance and improving the airway paves the way for optimal breathing, which allows for optimal sleep and avoidance of the negative health effects of sleep apnea.  Dr. Walker looks beyond the teeth to also evaluate the underlying bone structure, airway, and facial esthetics.  This is to provide you with a thorough diagnosis in addition to all your treatment options.  Dakota Orthodontics’ mission: Develop confidence—one smile at a time.